We're getting some reports of some funny god business happening at a few recent raves. No, no one's seeing images of Jesus printed on their rolling papers, or talking to magical bushes. They are, however, getting the good news from some Evangelical Baptists hanging outside the entrance of the raves.
Yes, ravers are now being proselytized to by Evangelical Baptists. The Southern variety. This has been going on for the last month or two, and it's only happened at a handful of events, and the evangelicals left after a few hours. They apparently stood outside from 11pm to 2am, handing out bibles and telling the party goers that they're going to hell, but if they open their heart to Jesus and repent, they'll find their place at the pearly gates.
I doubt it, but it would be awesome if this was the beginning of a trend. You sorry bunch certainly are sinful, and hopefully some of the faithful will save you from yourselves. Who knows, soon we might have Catholics, Mormons and maybe even Raellians preaching outside parties.