Fifteen years ago, heroin chic was all the rage in the gilded world of high-fashion. Models who didn't look like they spent all their time free basing heroin in the back alleys of Beverly Hills were passe. Pale skin, dark circles under the eyes, and arms full of needle marks were your ticket to the in crowd. Life at the top of the fashion crop demanded an authentic drug addled look.
Fashion moves on, and heroin chic has given way to the forced irony of the hipster generation. American Apparel and its ilk feast on the rotting carcasses of insecure, awkward twenty somethings who prefer Pabst to poppy seeds. The low fashion of the trustafarian generation dominates the landscape of Montreal's party scene. Skinny jeans, bad haircuts, and ironic t-shirts have replaced the emaciated heroin look popularized by Kate Moss and Calvin Klein.
This change in the zeitgeist doesn't sit well with one local DJ/Meth Dealer. Our glass loving CD mixing troglodyte has made it his life ambition to revive the druggy chic of the mid nineties. He's evangelizing a return to his favorite era -- but instead of heroin being the drug of the fashion forward, he wants to make crystal meth the new "it" thing.
His life revolves around the aesthetics of drug use. He's writing a book on the philosophy of meth, and is currently studying the works of a dozen French philosophers to help shore up his arguments. Our crazy dealer believes that the words and thoughts of men like Jacques Derrida and Michel Foucault prove that only a life that's lived on the edge of addiction is authentic, and everything else is fake.
Our DJ isn't only writing a book about the glories of meth, he's also working on a documentary, a fashion line, and a lecture tour. Every single one of his projects is dedicated to convincing people that meth isn't just a drug, but a viable and ethically sound way of life. If he has his way, the pro-meth movement will be Montreal's hippest export. Forget Vice Magazine and Dov Charney -- Montreal's biggest contribution to the fashion world will be the Way of Meth.