A Longueille raver was pulled over for speeding early last week, which is when the boys in blue made a sordid discovery: our south shore party boy was carrying a foul smelling passenger -- a rotting corpse.
The body belonged to a homeless man who, back in May, had asked the raver for a place to sleep. This dubstep afficionado had spent a year on the streets himself, and out of pity, told the guy he could crash in his beat up Chevy. Unfortunately, the vagrant passed away while sleeping in the car, and when raver discovered the dead body, he didn't know what to do, so he decided not to do anything. He just kept driving like he normally did, even though a body was slowly decomposing next him.
He masked the odor of the putrefying flesh with baking soda and pine scented air freshener. When the maggots started crawling out of the body, he covered it with a tarp.
It's weird to think about, but there was a rotting dead guy within steps of every single party this guy went too for the last six months. Shades of Psycho. There are some messed up ravers out there.
Criminal charges seem unlikely, though the raver in question is undergoing psychiatric evaluation. The car, meanwhile, has been impounded and will likely be destroyed. I don't think anyone would want to buy it after what it's been through. No one short of Norman Bates or Jeffrey Dahmer, anyways.