Outdoor Raves are a big part of the scene and so is stealing empty gas canisters that sit by the generator at the end of the night. This popular crime seemed to have no motive until now.
There are two gangs of gas canister thieves. The first, known as the Huffers, are a group of 4 burnt-out friends that were caught red-handed at a free party last week. Their 'raison-d'ĂȘtre' is rooted in their need for cheap thrills. After gingerly swiping the used canister, they sneak off into a nearby wooded area and proceed to huff the last remaining fumes, and take turns licking the inside of the cap. They return to the party, after unscrupulously leaving the dried out canister among the trees, and are often seen bumming smokes and literally tripping on the dance floor, bags, people, wires and rocks. There is no real way of punishing this small group of individuals, except banning them from events; though in the world of free parties, you might spot them. They would look chipper until the generator needs to be replenished, then they get unpleasant in a quick way. If you see them (you can identify them by their terrible breath), please notify the promoters so that they can head into the forest to recuperate their material.
The second group, known as the Red Bandits, is much more criminal. Still unmasked, they make their rounds of outdoor events and steal all the canisters they can (sometimes even the full ones). They then proceed to sell those red canisters to other shady promoters, independent mechanics and innocent people stuck on the side of the road with car troubles. These bandits have also been known to dose the first gang on occasion, though they never work together.
As unfortunate situations arise, promoters are doomed to locking up their gas cans and spending lots of money replacing those cute little red canisters. Now that the first gang of trouble-makers has been identified, one ingenious promoter now simply keeps the caps hidden, making the canister useless for resale. Watch yourselves... thieves do Speed too.