Faisal Manning, a 32 year old Montreal man, is recovering from shock after naked intruders broke into his apartment. “I was on the computer arguing with someone on Facebook when I heard a large crashing sound coming from my living room,” says Faisal. “I went to investigate it, and I couldn’t believe what I saw.”
Three naked men had broken a window in Faisal’s living room, climbed through it, and set themselves up on his couch. “I was in a state of shock. You think, in a situation like that, that i’d have started yelling at these guys, or calling the police, but instead, I just stood there with my jaw open.”
According to Faisal, the men acted as if nude breaking and entering were a perfectly common place, every day affair. “Eventually, I managed to utter several choice expletives at my unwanted naked interlopers,” says Fail. “I told them to leave, and they just told me to relax, that it wasn’t a big deal. Then, after telling me to calm down, they started to beatbox.”
The sight of seeing three strange naked men beat boxing in his living room was so bizarre, Faisal thought he was on drugs. “I still have trouble wrapping my head around what I saw,” says Faisal. “I just can’t even begin to understand the chain of events that could possibly lead three people to do what those guys did.”
Faisal didn’t allow the beatboxing to go on for very long. “I told them that I was calling the police, and they just kept beatboxing as if it was no big deal,” says Faisal. “The police, for their part, thought I was just a crank caller. The whole episode was a nightmare. By the time the police finally arrived, the naked beatboxers had ran out of my apartment. If it wasn’t for video footage from a neighbour’s security camera that caught them on their way out, the police might never have believed me.”
The police are warning Montreal residents to be on the lookout for three naked men.